The vision of the institution is
The vision of the institution is to provide a conducive environment for teaching, learning, innovation and character building in order to facilitate the creation of an enlightened, just and habitable society.
The mission of the institution is
- To instil pedagogic and social values among students.
- To foster latent talents, creating a congenial atmosphere to tackle future challenges.
- To mould the students to understand the various roles of life assigned to them and be equal in the execution of these roles with perfection.
The institution follows a democratic and participatory mode of governance with all stakeholders actively contributing towards administration. The Governing Body delegates authority to the Secretary and Principal who, in turn shares it with the different levels of functionaries in the college. The Heads of Departments, the Convenors/ Coordinators of various committees and cells along with the staff representatives on decision-making bodies play a significant role in determining the institutional policies and implementing the same.