Dibrugarh University Inter College Weight Lifting and Power Lifting competitions 2024/25.
We congratulate our students Nistha Gogoi and Khushi Lohar for winning silver medals in the 63 kg category of Power lifting and the 49 kg category of Weight lifting, respectively, at the Inter College Weight Lifting and Power Lifting Competition organized by Dibrugarh University. We extend our best wishes to both for their remarkable achievements and their determined spirit.
Celebration of International Human Rights Day
Celebration of International Human Rights Day, 2024 International Human Rights day is observed annually on Dec 10th to commemorate the adoption UDHR by the United Nation General Assembly, 1948. The Department of Political Science, MDKG College also celebrated the day on 10th Dec 2024,following the annual tradition of the department This year, the special occasion was celebrated by conducting a Poster Making Competition amongst the students of the institute. [...]
ছহিদ দিৱস (Swahid Diwas)
“লুইতৰ পাৰৰে তুমি ডেকা লʼৰা তুমিয়েতো বুকু পাতি দিলাঁ ভাৰতীৰ নুমলী জীক বচাবলেʼ তুমিয়েতো মৃত্যু বৰিলাঁ। শ্বহীদ প্ৰণামো তোমাক।” মনোহাৰী দেৱী কানৈ মহিলা মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ ছাত্ৰী একতা সভাৰ উদ্যোগত ছহিদ দিৱস পালন৷ মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ পবিত্ৰ ছহিদ বেদীত চাকি-বন্তি প্ৰজ্বলনেৰে অসম আন্দোলনৰ ছহিদসকলক স্মৰণ কৰা হয়৷ আন্দোলনৰ প্ৰথম ছহিদ প্ৰয়াত খৰ্গেশ্বৰ তালুকদাৰৰ মৃত্যু তিথিত ৮৬০ গৰাকী ছহিদক সুঁৱৰি কৰা বন্তি প্ৰজ্বলনত মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ অধ্যক্ষ ড° অনুপজ্যোতি ভৰালী, উপাধ্যক্ষা ড° মানসী শৰ্মা উপস্থিত থাকে৷ [...]
NCC cadets of the college from 63 Assam Girls’ Bn NCC secured second position in parade in republic day celebration of Chowkidingee field of Dibrugarh district on 26th January, 2022
NCC cadets of the college from 63 Assam Girls’ Bn NCC secured second position in parade in republic day celebration of Chowkidingee field of Dibrugarh district on 26th January, 2022
Miss Shainee Sonowal of MDKG College got 2 gold medals in intercollege karate competition held at Dibrugarh University 27th April,2022.
Miss Shainee Sonowal of MDKG College got 2 gold medals in intercollege karate competition held at Dibrugarh University 27th April,2022.
Miss Sunita Deori of third semester student of sociology department of MDKG College won gold medal(Senior U-53 KGFemale) and won Bronze medal in Senior Girls Group Poomsae in 37th All AssamState Taekwondo Championship 2022 held from 17th August to 20tyh August,2022
Miss Sunita Deori of third semester student of sociology department of MDKG College won gold medal(Senior U-53 KGFemale) and won Bronze medal in Senior Girls Group Poomsae in 37th All AssamState Taekwondo Championship 2022 held from 17th August to 20tyh August,2022
Leena Sen won 1st position in weight category 52-54 kg event Dibrugarh University sports board, Dibrugarh, Assam on 24th to 28th December, 2022.
Leena Sen won 1st position in weight category 52-54 kg event Dibrugarh University sports board, Dibrugarh, Assam on 24th to 28th December, 2022.
First prize 63 Assam Girls Bn NCC on 26th January, 2023
First prize 63 Assam Girls Bn NCC on 26th January, 2023
Farnaz Begum of MDKG College secured 2nd position in book review competition in inter-college literary competition in youth festival of Dibrugarh University at LTK College on 25th January, 2024
Farnaz Begum of MDKG College secured 2nd position in book review competition in inter-college literary competition in youth festival of Dibrugarh University at LTK College on 25th January, 2024
Leeza Das, student of 3rd semester, Department of Zoology has bagged the 3rd prize in Poster Presentation organized by DDR College, Chabua on the occasion of National Science Day.
Leeza Das, student of 3rd semester, Department of Zoology has bagged the 3rd prize in Poster Presentation organized by DDR College, Chabua on the occasion of National Science Day.
World Aids Day Celebration 2024
On the occasion of World AIDS Day 2024, a lecture program was organized jointly by the NCC, NSS, and the Health & Sanitation Club of the MDKG College . The program aimed at raising awareness about HIV/AIDS. Dr. Himadri Das, Senior Medical and Health Officer from the Government of Assam, was the resource person for the event. She addressed the students and delivered an insightful speech about the importance [...]
Celebrating Constitution Day
Celebrating Constitution Day jointly organised by Department of Political science, NSS unit and NCC wing
Field Study
Some glimpses of field study conducted today at Dibrugarh sadar thana by 1st Sem Honours students (Political Science )as a part of SEC curriculum
Counselling Program on Mental Health and Mental Well-Being
A group counselling program at Gabhrupathar LP school was conducted by Dr. Indrani Sen Gupta on 30.10.24 on Mental Health and Mental Well- Being. The audience included learners from Class 1 to 6 and Headmaster and teachers. The counsellor spoke on what is Mental Health, characteristics of good Mental Health, what practices should be followed for maintaining good Mental health. The listeners were active and they practised meditation and [...]
Bhasha Gourav Saptah (5 Nov, 2024 to 9 Nov, 2024)
Celebration of 'Bhasa Gourav Saptah' at M.D.K.G. College Association with Assamese Department and Language Development & Preservation Cell: Association with Bangla Department: Association with English Department: [...]
The Department of History organised a book review competition on the book “The Story of My Experiments with Truth” on the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, on 2nd October 2024 and the prize distribution ceremony of the competition is held on 29 October 2024. The IQAC coordinator, Dr. Utpal Sut and the Head of the Department of History Mrs. Babita Bora graced the event and encouraged the students. [...]
‘ভাষা গৌৰৱ সপ্তাহ’
মনোহাৰী দেৱী কানৈ মহিলা মহাবিদ্যালয়ত ‘ভাষা গৌৰৱ সপ্তাহ’ উদযাপন (মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ অসমীয়া বিভাগ আৰু ভাষা উন্নয়ন কোষৰ সহযোগত) ‘ভাষা গৌৰৱ সপ্তাহ’ৰ কাৰ্যসূচী উদ্বোধন কৰে মহাবিদ্যালয়ৰ অধ্যক্ষ ড° অনুপজ্যোতি ভৰালীদেৱে৷ আজিৰ বিশেষ অনুষ্ঠান : ০৫/১১/২০২৪ ১. ভাৰতৰত্ন ড° ভূপেন হাজৰিকাৰ মৃত্য দিৱসৰ সৈতে সংগতি ৰাখি বিশেষ বক্তৃতানুষ্ঠান বিষয় - ভূপেন হাজৰিকাৰ গীতত জাতীয় চেতনা বক্তা - শ্ৰীযুত অনিৰুদ্ধ দত্ত, সহযোগী অধ্যাপক, অসমীয়া বিভাগ, মনোহাৰী দেৱী কানৈ মহিলা মহাবিদ্যালয়৷ ২. বক্তৃতানুষ্ঠান : [...]
Firing practice by NCC cadets
NCC cadets of our college took part in firing practice of 0.22 rifles at Small Arms Firing Range, Dibrugarh University Campus. A total of 16 cadets have participated in the event today.
Interactive Session with Pandit Ronu Majumdar and Tabla player Shri Rupak Bhattacharjee
Snippets of Flute recital by renowned Flutist, Sahitya Academy Awardee pandit Ronu Majumdar accompanied by Sri Rupak Bhattacharya on Tabla , organised by Spicmacay, Dibrugarh chapter on 4th November In association with MDKG College.
National Unity Day (31st oct,2024)
National Unity Day (31st Oct, 2024) has been observed today dated: 29-10-2024, NSS Unit & NCC wing of MDKG College. Activities conducted: 1. Pledge taking ceremony 2. Lecture delivered by Dr. Jogesh Das, Asst. Prof. Dpt of Political Science, on National Unity Day and signifying Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel's contribution towards unifying India. 3. Speech delivered by NCC Cdt. Khushi Lohar on the significance of National Unity Day [...]
General Elections
The General Elections to the Students Union Body of MDKG College was held on 26/10/2024.The election was conducted following all established procedures and keeping consonance with the Constitution of the Union Body.The event was a Peaceful one with no reported anomolies.The Charge Handover and Oath Taking Ceremony was held on 29/10/24 at 11:am.
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